Sukabumi Livable City Index 2018

In 2018, Citieslab conducted a Sukabumi Livable City Index (LCI) research for Sukabumi City Government. The approach and method adapted form IAP Most Livable City Index that livability can be measured by citizen perception. Sukabumi LCI surveyed 33 Urban Villages (Kelurahan) in 7 Sub-Districts. The survey resulted that the average livability index of Sukabumi was 65 of 100, which indicates that there were still 35% of citizens who feel uncomfortable living in their cities. The survey resulted that Cikole sub-district had the highest index, and Baros sub-district had the lowest index in Sukabumi. The study also found what aspects were satisfying and unsatisfying according to citizens in each Urban Villages. The study used as inputs for government and other stakeholders to provide the citizen’s needs.